Thursday, April 29, 2010

Uncle John’s Certified Organic Bathroom Reader

My best friend bought me the Uncle John’s Certified Organic Bathroom Reader. Let me tell you how fantastic this book is! It is full of information about the green movement, the environment, organic, and just about anything else you can think of related! I want to share some of the really interesting facts that this company has researched!

Each month, Americans throw away enough aluminum to rebuild every commercial airplane in the company” (p. 13).

So keep recycling! Throw those aluminum cans into those blue bins!

“Since they were introduced in 1977, trillions of plastic grocery bags have found their way into lakes and oceans, where they can harm wildlife that mistake them for food or get trapped inside” (p. 145).

This is more incentive to bring those re-useable bags with you to the grocery store. If we all cut down on the amount of plastic bags we are using we can help clean up the environment.

And another plastic bag quote: “Plastic bags are made from ethylene, a byproduct of oil, gas, and coal production – all nonrenewable resources. The petroleum used to make 14 plastic bags is enough to drive a car one mile. What’s more, plastic bags may take up to 1000 years to decompose” (p. 145).

I keep cloth bags in the trunk of my car, in my house, and you can even buy bags that fold up into tiny pouches that can be kept in a purse or in the backseat of a car.

So if you like random facts and information, and are interested in health and the environment, pick up this bathroom reader from Chapters. It will make you laugh out loud, inspire you to make a change, and I am sure you will even learn something from it!

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