Yesterday my mom and I were walking around the farmers market spending some time together and as we walked though one of the sections filled with fresh produce she grabbed a huge bag of beets and explained that she has been craving them for days. I told her it was probably a big indication that it was exactly what her body was needing at that time. Our society has developed such a negative attachment to the concept of food cravings. We assume these are always our bodies craving some form of processed, unhealthy snack that we would ram-sack a 7-11 at 3 am just to get ahold of. But in reality, our cravings for certain foods are typically our body’s means of expressing it’s basic needs for certain nutrients and healing, so listen up!
There are few key tastes that our body tends to crave such as salty and sweet. The junk food industry has capitalized on these tastes, so the key is being able to listen to your body’s needs and fulfill these cravings with healthier options. Did you know Dorito chips contain iron? Very small amounts of course, not the most bio-available but iron none the less. Our bodies are aware of this and it can be directly tied to the cravings. North America has the highest rates of iron deficiency anemia in the world, so it’s no wonder Dorito sales have done so well.
Our bodies are incredibly aware of their needs and we can have some ideas of what healthy options are, but at the end of the day your most valuable tool is to just trust your instincts. Next time you walk through your grocery store forget your list at home, walk through the fruits and vegetables and choose whatever foods are appealing to you in that moment. Don’t worry about meal planning or cooking, all of that will come together. Just shop from your heart and listen to your cravings. That’s the best way to ensure you are giving your body exactly what it is asking for. I guarantee it will thank you.
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