Monday, February 1, 2010

Food and Family

Last night I realized how important family is when it comes to eating healthy. I went over to my parent’s house for dinner last night for a wonderful home-cooked birthday meal for my brother. My family is very close, and we love getting together and sharing cooking ideas with one another. Great food, great company, and a little bit of wine makes for a very enjoyable evening!

What I realized last night is that my parents have had a crucial role in influencing me towards healthy eating. They have done this in a very subtle but effective way: by stressing the importance of vegetables to us. At every meal we would have at least 2 vegetable dishes as part of our meal. Take last night as an example. Not only did we have a wonderful, bright-coloured salad to enjoy, but we also had steamed asparagus to add to our plates. Vegetables have always been a large focus of our meals, and I realized that I took those values with me when I moved out. I love having a variety of vegetables to choose from, especially when munching throughout the day, or sitting down to dinner in the evening.

My parents make the best salads, although there is always a dispute on whether a salad should contain more lettuce and finely chopped vegetables, or whether it should contain very little lettuce and large chunks of veggies! What do you think?!

By having so many vegetables at each meal we learned early on that they were vital for our health. And the best part is that we didn’t even know that was what they were doing! Vegetables are so important, and I know that I have learned their value by example from my parents. Having these wonderful, nutritious foods at meal times shows kids that vegetables play an important role.

My family has influenced the way I eat in other ways. My parents love to act like chefs, and they get very excited when someone is at home to cook for. They love throwing things together (sometimes things that I am not too sure of!), and coming up with something new. I guess I know where I get my sense of adventure when wanting to try new combinations of things.

I also like to think that I have made an influence on the rest of my family. I always smile when I see brown rice in the cupboard instead of white rice. I feel a sense of pride when I see that they have supported a local farmer by buying free-range chicken from the Calgary Farmer’s Market. It feels good when they enjoy eating one of my “strange” meals! It is nice to know that I can help my family continue to eat healthy and open them up to some new things.

How have the people in your life opened you up to healthy eating, and how have you passed on your knowledge of food to others?

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