Thursday, March 18, 2010


I would love to share two quotes that I have come across the past week.

Elson M. Haas wrote the book Staying Healthy with Nutrition which I used as a text book at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN). I recently was re-visiting his book and came across a great quote which I decided fit with my life.

"When we shift our attitudes, we can change our entire lives" -Elson M. Haas

This quote got me thinking about staying positive. I am the kind of person who lets every little thing bother me. I worry and get stressed over the little things. So for the past week I have been focusing on the positive and really working on not letting little things get me down. I've been smiling more and enjoying the things that come my way. Being positive has made working out more enjoyable (instead of a chore I now think of running as "me" time), and I have been enjoying my meals more. Instead of "making" meals I am "creating" meals. The smallest change in thinking can result in a huge alteration in life.

Another quote I found really encompasses part of what Bundles of Energy is about.

“Food that's beautiful to look at seems to taste better than food that isn't.” -Emeril Lagasse

I love brightly coloured foods. I love "creating" a soup with all different types and colours of vegetables and beans. I buy green and yellow and red bell peppers from the grocery store. Who wants just a green salad when you can have a green and yellow and red salad?! I even add frozen blueberries to pancake mixes for not just the taste, but the look!

And really, who wants to eat something that looks bland?

I know that is what Bundles of Energy is about.....helping people create healthy, beautiful meals we can be proud of!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Eating Out

I would love to talk about one of my favorite restaurants here in Calgary. If you have never been to The Coup you are missing out on something great. Many people think that vegetarian meals have to be bland and simple, and the word vegetarian brings up visions of plates of beans and salads. The Coup is dispelling those myths by creating wonderfully delicious vegetarian meals, while promoting whole, organic, and local foods. You can taste the fresh and seasonal vegetables in the dishes! I enjoy supporting local businesses who want to make it easy to eat healthy.

One of my favorite things to eat is the 'el taco', and my meat-eating significant other loves the 'falafel quesadillas'. The soup of the day is always full of tasty spices and seasonal vegetables. And if you want to try something outside of the box order the smoothie of the day and be prepared to be surprised: who would have known that a banana and basil smoothie would have tasted so good?! On the weekends I have often stopped in for a breakfast frittata with organic free range eggs, yams, and seasonal vegetables. It is a great way to start off a busy weekend. They also have a variety of salads to choose from, and if you want to start with an appetizer, try the hummus.

So the next time you feel like going out to eat but want to try something different, check out The Coup at 924 17th Ave S.W., and be prepared to want to go back to try something else!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Snack Idea

Hello Everyone! I would love to pass along a wonderful snack idea that I stumbled across yesterday while snooping around one of my favorite blogs! This is a perfect way to include a variety of great textures, colors, shapes, tastes and nutrients into your child's diet. Use this snack plate to introduce new interesting foods into your child's diet without overwhelming them. I absolutely love this and think that you and your family will as well. Let me know what you think, and include your ideas!

Have a great day, Adrianne

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Find Your Inner Peace

Periods of stress can be incredibly toxic to the body. On a daily basis, we encounter various situations, evaluate them, and deem the situation to be either stressful or not. The degree to which we experience stress is based on our interpretation of the situation, and how our body decides to cope with it. Finding healthy coping mechanisms for stress will promote the body's health, and our ability to deal with similar situations in the future. Training our minds to find peace is a wonderful coping/healing tool that anyone can practice. Relaxation exercises such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing encourage the mind to connect, grow and become strong. When our mind is well trained, we have an incredible ability to find peace during hectic times. Learning how to calm the mind is a skill that doesn't come without dedication and practice. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources available to support our search for inner peace. Have a wonderful day!

Check out:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Your Gentle Shift to Amazing Health

Making changes in your life can seem like the toughest challenge you ever take on; however, it is a very simple process. The nature of the human mind is such that we tend to make the process very difficult for ourselves.

As I write this article I am watching the 2010 Winter Olympics. It brings back many memories, the type you might refer to as bitter sweet. It is a lot like life in general-so many wonderful times and so many challenging ones. I am reminded of the times I had a ‘bad’ race as an Olympic Speed skater; a result that I would have given anything to change. As a successful athlete I was aware I had a choice though: stay stuck in the misery of a ‘bad’ race or look for the opportunity to learn from what occurred. I quickly realized that every experience is an opportunity; it is all a matter of my perspective.

In order to succeed at a high level in sport, you must achieve a mindset of looking for constant subtle changes. You make these changes in order to create the most consistent success and benefit in your performance. This premise can be applied to all areas of life: relationships, career, health, and more. It starts with an evaluation of what is working and what is not. When you are honest about what is not working, and you let go of the excuses that keep you stuck; you allow an opportunity to create change or a shift in your life. The steps you can take to begin creating such a shift in your life are as follows:

Step one: Create awareness: What is NOT working? What ever it is, you must be clear about what you want your life to be like right now. You must be specific about the elements of your life that you want to change; the areas where you would like to produce different results.

Step Two: What is your motivation for change? In other words, what do you REALLY want to experience? For example; do you want to participate in your favorite sport or to play with your kids without tiring? In order to be active and fit, you may consider the benefits of eating a healthy diet. Your desire to be active then becomes the motivation that inspires your actions – in this case, the action of eating healthy meals.

Step Three: What do you need to do in order to create space for change to occur in your life? As you let go of habits, or what is not working, you open yourself to change. We all have reasons and excuses, often very sensible ones that keep us stuck in patterns of behavior. As these patterns repeat themselves throughout our lives, it seems so difficult to change the things that do not work. The reality however, is that it is as simple as letting go of one reason or excuse, and creating a new possibility in it’s place.

In transforming the eating habits of my family, I found that it was unsuccessful to simply take something, like wheat, out of our diets. My focus was entirely on what I was eliminating. What was missing was not the wheat, it was the clarity about what I really wanted in its place. So I began researching meal ideas that ideas that allowed for a more gentle transition; I let go of my excuses (I had many), and I focused on finding options that would work to create balance between my needs and desires and those of my family.

My motivation was my children’s health; theirs was eating food they liked. I had to shift my focus to what we would eat. I began looking for fun, wheat-free recipes the kids would like. I slowly added new meals and gave my family an opportunity to get used to the new tastes. This created support as our focus shifted to the fun new tastes that were being presented. My own focus shifted to interesting new meal ideas, instead of the stress of changing our diets. When I added a meal or snack everyone enjoyed, they no longer missed the food that we were working to avoid. As I began to discover alternative foods to bring into our lives, I began to create a more subtle, lasting change in our eating habits.

I recognized at this point that I had let go of one more very important thing to allow me far greater sustained success; my excuses and my reasons for maintaining my habits. I no longer allowed my reasons for was not changing to stay in my way. I began asking different questions in my head. When I thought, “This is driving me crazy!” I shifted my thoughts and asked “What could I do differently here to create an experience I want?”

If you are ready to make a change in your life I recommend focusing on one key area at a time. Whether you want to eat better, get organized or make more money, you’ve got to be clear in your mind about the change you wish to achieve. You will only create what you do want when you start to focus on the result and take action to achieve that result. If you constantly focus on what you do not want, you will keep your energy and actions on your unwanted results and experiences, thus perpetuating them. You cannot change who you are, however you can change the way you approach things allowing new ideas to have space in your life.

What is the experience you really want as a result of making a change? The possibilities are endless…The results are far greater than any one desire or commitment for change. Be clear about what is the purpose for your change. Acknowledge what is keeping you where you are. Identify what you can do toward achieving that change and connect to the supports you require to be successful. What will be your first gentle shift?

Michelle Giangualano
Bundles of Energy
Olympic Speed Skater 1994, 1998

We Are What We Eat!

Healthy eating is an important notion we are seeing everywhere right now; it has become very popular in the news and in conversation with family and friends. Our society has taken on the quest for health through foods that are fat-free, sodium-free, and calorie-free. What people don’t know is that by extracting so many things, the food has become energy-free. We are obsessed with food that is no longer food, but more or less a chemistry project. What we should be searching for is what needs to be in our food, not what we needs to be missing or extracted from our food. Therefore I am challenging you to forget what you have been told about fats, proteins and carbohydrates and to see food the same way our body does, as life energy.

Food fuels more than our organs and cells; it also has great potential to feed our spirits. Processed, refined or fabricated foods are produced quickly in mass quantities, with flashy packaging and catchy commercials; imagine the processed foods that lie in middle isles of your favourite grocery store. Now, imagine an apple that spends the entire summer growing up from the earth with rain from the sky and the sun of a beautiful summer day.

That apple contains so much more than the obvious nourishment and vitamins that an “apple a day” offers. That apple also contains minerals that have been redeposited time and time again into the soil from where the tree grew. It contains energy and life from the same sun that warms each of us. It has been carefully cared for and nourished as it grows, not unlike each person we are and we know. Furthermore, that apple contains enough seeds to grow trees to produce a million more apples. When you are eating living food, be aware of the power it possesses. The energy present in live food can also be seen in a pumpkin seed, strong enough to grow an entire pumpkin; the protein source inside an egg is of such a great quality that it will provide growth for an entire chicken.

Something really incredible happens when we choose to feed not only our bellies, but also our spirit; food changes. Eating food is a transfer of life and energy, and in turn we change. We are providing our body its basic needs beyond nutritional values and calories. The health we are able to provide the body is immeasurable. Just as our bodies take time to create life, so should the food we put into it. By eating foods that grow, change and develop, we give ourselves the capacity to grow, change and develop. This is what is truly meant by healthy eating.

I trust in the truth of this concept because I have felt it and experienced it in my own life. Therefore I now challenge you to try and eat one thing everyday purely for its life energy. Feed your spirit and watch as it flourishes. When you eat the foods that serve your body with life and energy, your body will then function from a place of true health. Always put in yourself the things you wish to be and do not forget these simple words; we are what we eat.

By Marcie Brown
RMT and Reiki Practitioner
Nutrition Expert
Bundles of Energy

“Did you ever stop to taste a carrot? Not just eat it, but taste it? You can't taste the beauty and energy of the earth in a Twinkie.” ~Astrid Alauda

The Low-Down on Eating Organic

Why is it important to eat organically?

Chemicals and pesticides are applied to crops to help them grow quicker and to ward off pests. Antibiotics are given to livestock to keep them healthy in unhealthy living conditions. The foods we eat have been sprayed and dosed with substances that are foreign to our bodies. Organic farming began when some farmers decided they wanted to protect people and the environment from these compounds.

When you eat organic you are helping to:

• Protect the environment by cutting down on the chemicals released into our ecosystem

• Support farmers who want to return to a natural approach

• Support sustainability in farming-many farmers use crop rotation to keep the soil enriched, aiding in the growth of the food. Crop rotation can also help protect against pests by affecting their cycles.

• Keep chemicals from accumulating up the food chain and into our bodies

How do I know when a product is organic, and can anybody put an organic label on their food?

For a product to be certified organic it must be approved by a government official. Canada has a new organic logo that can be placed on products that are certified organic according to Canadian standards.

Here are some things to help make shopping organic easier. If the product states:

• 100% Organic: entirely organically produced ingredients

• Organic: if the product is at least 95% organic

• Made with Organic Ingredients: if 70% of the ingredients in the product are organic

• Some Organic Ingredients: less than 70%

Also remember that buying something that states the product is free range, naturally grown, or antibiotic free does not mean that it is: these terms are not strictly regulated. The label has to say certified organic or specific standards have not been met.

Where can I start if I want to incorporate some organic foods into my diet?

Eating organic can put a strain on the wallet, and so if you are looking to reduce some of your exposure to chemicals try buying some of the following organic:

Meat is the most important food to eat organic. Animals are often given hormones and other medications that can be present in the meat. The feed the animals consume can also be treated with chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. Organic farmers use natural breeding methods, try to minimize the amount of stress to the animals, and are generally concerned with animal health and welfare. Certified organic meat contains no synthetic growth regulators or hormones, and there are strict regulations on the environment that the animals live in, for example the animals must have access to the outdoors for a specified amount of time.

Produce:  Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization that strives to help protect public health and the environment through research and public awareness has published information about the amount of pesticides found on products.

Top Fruits             Top Vegetables
Nectarines              Celery
Apples                    Bell Peppers
Pears                      Spinach
Peaches                  Potatoes

*Remember that whether you buy organic produce or not, make sure you wash it thoroughly!

Coffee is another product that you may want to buy organic. Since many countries do not regulate the use of chemicals on crops, coffee can have high amounts of these harmful compounds. Try buying an organic fair trade coffee next time you are in the grocery store. This also helps support the farmers by ensuring they are paid fairly for the coffee.



Carrie Dancey
Bundles of Energy

Substitute not Sacrifice

Making small shifts in our daily routine can lead to big health benefits.  The choices we make everyday impact our metabolism, thinking processes, sleeping patterns, energy levels and attitude.  Below is a list of common household food items that can be substituted for a healthier option.

Adrianne Suggests........

Instead of White Flour: White flour is stripped of its two most nutritious parts; the bran and the germ. Most white flours are bleached to ensure its perfect “white” color. Found in a variety of products from white bread, pasta, cookies, pancakes, muffins, bagels and wraps. Labels that read “enriched wheat flour” contain refined white flour. Whole Grains: 100% whole grain products and flours including spelt, brown rice, sorghum, whole wheat, kamut, buckwheat, oats, quinoa and many more.
Try Whole Grains: 100% whole grain products and flours including spelt, brown rice, sorghum, whole wheat, kamut, buckwheat, oats, quinoa and many more.

Instead of White Sugar: When sugar undergoes a refining process, it is stripped of its vital nutrients including chromium. Watch out for cookies, pop, candy, cereal, and fruit juices that contain added sugar. Sucanat: This alternative to white refined sugar is a form of cane sugar that contains the molasses content and its original nutrients including chromium. Sucanat can be used cup for cup to replace sugar in recipes.
Try Sucanat: This alternative to white refined sugar is a form of cane sugar that contains the molasses content and its original nutrients including chromium. Sucanat can be used cup for cup to replace sugar in recipes.

Instead of White Salt: White salt is stripped of its vital nutrients and contributes to poor cardiovascular health. Prepared and prepackaged foods have the highest salt content. Sandwich meat, margarine, and canned soup are some of the worst offenders. Sea Salt: Sea salt contains its original mineral content. High mineral content results in a colored salt. Look for pink, grey, brown and black. Any color besides white is a good choice.
Try Sea Salt: Sea salt contains its original mineral content. High mineral content results in a colored salt. Look for pink, grey, brown and black. Any color besides white is a good choice.

Instead of Margarine: Margarine is a highly processed food product. It is typically high in sodium and funny fats that do not contribute to a healthy body.
Try Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a wonderful alternative to margarine. This fat is a clean burning, plant based product. It can replace margarine in recipes, used on toast and for sautéing. Anywhere you can use margarine, coconut oil can be used in its place. It tastes great too!
Choosing to make these small changes will improve your health in the short term and well into the future.   Which one will you try first? 

Adrianne Smith
Bundles of Energy